Outreach Ministries
Mission Outreach
Progressive is thrilled to be part of spreading God’s kingdom in our community and around the world. We are active in supporting these missionaries with our gifts, money and with our prayers. We strive to take our message via evangelism, community outreach, and partnering with other local bodies of faith.
Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Throughout the week, our Prayer Warriors pray for our Pastor, Members, and any specials requests.
Each Sunday, we start our Sunday service with Prayer service at 10:30am and flow right into Worship service at 11:00 am. during the morning service, a team of volunteers is praying for the ministry of the Word. Each Wednesday, the church comes together for a special time of prayer and Bible study.